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sea naturenature

Africa 2025 financial challenges and how to deal with?

 Dear African friend, are you ready to embark on a personal and financial transformation journey? At, we...

sea naturenature

How can your earnings or tax refunds make you rich?

Dear friend, the cost of living has become very high Today. With galloping inflation, many Africans are unable to get by. They don't have consistent...

sea naturenature

How can you Grow your Money with the Power of Togetherness?

In today's fast-paced world, saving and growing your money can be challenging. With expenses constantly rising and the economy ever-changing, it's...

sea naturenature

Africa's Success through the Power of Togetherness.

Africa is often portrayed in a negative light, with images of poverty, conflict, and underdevelopment dominating the media. However, what many fail...

sea naturenature

Destroying limiting beliefs

Please read first, then practice with the audio. Limiting beliefs are the thoughts and beliefs that hold us back from reaching our full potential....

sea naturenature

The power of Togetherness. Part 1:

Togetherness is the solution for your finances, success, and happiness. (audio) Now it's time for "Africa Big Dream." Embrace and share the power of...

sea naturenature

The power of Togetherness. Part 2:

The power of Togetherness in Africa (audio) Now it's time for "Africa Big Dream." Embrace and share the power of Togetherness around you, and then...

sea naturenature

The Power of Togetherness. Part 3

The power of Togetherness is spiritual and powerful (audio) Now it's time for "Africa Big Dream." Embrace and share the power of Togetherness around...

sea naturenature

Step into the fear

"There is no success without Faith; there is no faith without risk. Therefore, there is no success without risk."- George Mutuale, Africa Big Dream....